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News > School News

Three cheers for the NEW Pre-Prep Playground! More...

We are delighted to share that Port Regis has once again been shortlisted for Boarding School of the Year at the prestigious Tes Awards 2024. More...

A Thanksgiving Service will be at Sherborne Abbey on Friday July 12th at 2pm followed by a reception at Sherborne School. More...

Our B Form dorm captains and some of our A Form girls with Mrs Handaji and Mrs Miskin

We are excited to share that Port Regis has been named as a finalist for the Boarding Innovation Award at the Boarding Schools' Association Supporting… More...

Former Headmasters Peter Dix, David Prichard and Stephen Ilett with Titus Mills, photo taken in 2022

All at Port Regis are greatly saddened to learn of the death of our legendary former Headmaster David Prichard at the age of 89. More...

The front view of the Cottage Nursery

Due to increasing demand at the bottom end of school, we were delighted to open our new Cottage Nursery at the start of January 2024. More...

Mikey and Arthur, founders of Regis Radio

In February 2023 Regis Radio was launched at Port Regis by a group of budding presenters! More...

Chris Payne (left) and Stuart Pope (right)

Our amazing grounds team have been busy constructing an additional grass wicket on Westfield. More...

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