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News > OPR News

A Thanksgiving Service will be at Sherborne Abbey on Friday July 12th at 2pm followed by a reception at Sherborne School. More...

Former Headmasters Peter Dix, David Prichard and Stephen Ilett with Titus Mills, photo taken in 2022

All at Port Regis are greatly saddened to learn of the death of our legendary former Headmaster David Prichard at the age of 89. More...

Will with Year One and Two

Will gave the children a fascinating talk about his own time in the army and why Remembrance is so important. More...

Members of the Port Rejects Cricket Club

The Port Rejects would love to hear from anyone interested in joining the club More...

Members of the catering team with a PR Match Tea

How's this for a match tea? More...

Port Regis Shooting Hobby

How many of you recollect a Rifle Range at PR? Or know it has been there since the 1930s? It has created a heart-warming circularity to this OPR's lif… More...

OPRs Will (left) and Ned (right) with their trophies

Will and Ned celebrate their U15s Junior Real Tennis Championship win! More...

Ben with some of our F Form

It was so lovely to see OPR Ben Christie earlier this month. More...

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